生物的生物学 & 生态


The 生物的生物学 and 生态 (OBE) Department studies the structure and function of organisms in an ecological and evolutionary context. OBE encompasses cross-disciplinary approaches such as physiological ecology, 进化生态学, 分类学, 和生物地理学, which all provide complementary insights into the processes of evolutionary diversification and adaptation to life on earth. 我们的研究重点包括植物学, 动植物生态学, 比较生理学, 保护生物学, 分子生态学. We strive to perform cutting-edge lab and field re搜索 and include a diversity of students in these opportunities.

OBE on 街区计划

为期三周半的课程 街区平面图 enables our OBE faculty to design field/lab classes and re搜索 opportunities that are not possible in traditional school settings. 在这种情况下, we create active learning environments that value all voices and promote diversity and inclusion in the biological sciences.

实验课程: Our diversity of approaches to studying the structure and function of organisms manifests in a set of lab-intensive courses that provide substantive re搜索 opportunities for our students. OBE values the importance of lab skills in an integrative context and courses such as molecular ecology, 群体遗传学, 比较动物生理学, 生物地理学让学生接触到一系列的实验技能. 分子和生理技术, 以及计算方法, 是作为师生合作的体验来教学的吗, 为未来的专业生物学提供技能.

领域的课程: Our exceptional location is adjacent to rich and diverse ecosystems situated at the range limits of many species of plants and animals. 在东西方向, 海拔从大约6,000到14以上,在派克峰1000英尺的高处, 从而形成了横跨平原的马赛克生态系统, 森林, and tundra; in this wondrous mosaic, 我们非常重视嵌入在景观中的土著历史. Many classes take day-long, overnight or multi-day trips to explore sites near and far. 其中很多都是当地的一日游, but some of these are camping trips; we also utilize the CC Cabin in the montane pine 森林 of the Pikes Peak foothills an hour from campus as well as the CC Baca Campus in the San Luis Valley three hours to the southwest. 我们还定期提供到伯利兹的长时间实地课程! In all these field excursions we strive to accommodate students with a range of field experience levels.

小班授课: 科罗拉多大学 limits class sizes to a maximum of 25 students; most field and lab courses have even smaller sizes. This allows each student to receive individual attention and to do investigative projects even in their first biology class.


研究机会: Our faculty have active and diverse ongoing re搜索 and can also help students develop their own project, e.g. students can receive credit for as many as two mentored re搜索 blocks with a professor. We encourage and financially support collaborative student-faculty re搜索 projects. These opportunities provide an excellent experience for students interested in graduate school or those planning on becoming part of a re搜索 team upon graduation. Our paid re搜索 experiences often culminate in publications for students as well as presentations at both regional and national scientific meetings.

多样性 & 包容

在我们部门, 我们相信每个人都是受欢迎的, and we aim to create learning environments that support and honor students of all ethnicities, 性别, 身份, 能力, 信条, 社会经济背景. 在理想的世界里, science would be objective; however, much of science is subjective and is historically built on a small subset of privileged voices. 在我们的课堂上, our faculty believe integrating a diverse set of experiences is central to the learning process as well as a more comprehensive understanding of science. 因此, we strive to amplify a mix of voices — certainly from every student as well as re搜索ers from diverse backgrounds. 歧视是不能容忍的, 问责制对包容性学习环境至关重要. We are deeply committed to actively maintaining learning environments free from discrimination that support a diversity of thoughts, 视角, 和经验.


我们认识到这点, 在科罗拉多州, 我们学习, 教, 居住在阿帕奇人祖居地或附近, 阿拉帕霍, 夏安族, 科曼奇族, 普韦布洛, 休休尼人, 和乌特部落国家. We at 科罗拉多大学 are specifically situated in the traditional territories of the Southern Ute Nation, 犹特山犹特部落, 和北方犹特人. We have a responsibility to acknowledge our indigenous connections — as well as the histories of dispossession and forced removal upon which this institution was founded. 没有这些土著人民的牺牲, we would not have the opportunity to pursue knowledge and experiential learning at 科罗拉多大学.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 04/23/2024