
学生 with documented disabilities may be eligible for reasonable exam accommodations. 住宿可以提供给学生包括, 但不限于, 长时间, 减少分心的考试设置, 以及使用电脑进行文字处理. 可访问性资源 col实验室orates with students to determine reasonable accommodations. 通常, faculty then provide the exam accommodations as 科罗拉多大学 does not have a testing center.

学生 and faculty should follow the guidelines below to implement exam accommodations.

学生 are responsible for informing faculty of any need for accommodation via AR网上服务, 包括考试住宿. This should be done prior to the beginning of each block or early enough for faculty to implement accommodations.

学生 and faculty should discuss how best to arrange accommodations for each testing situation. 学生 and faculty are encouraged to contact 可访问性资源 if consultation is needed regarding exam accommodations.

  • Extended time is based on how much time is given to students in the class who do not have an 长时间 accommodation. 因此, 如果给学生两个小时来完成一项考试, 有一个半小时的学生应该有三个小时的时间.

  • 通常, students receiving 长时间 start their exams at the same time as other students and work until they are finished or the 长时间 period has ended. 如果延长的时间可能会碰到下午的课堂活动(例如.g., 实验室, 电影观看, 实地考察), 学生可能需要在标准开始时间之前开始考试.

  • 学生 should inform faculty if they need 长时间 for short quizzes, including pop quizzes. If a student needs 长时间 for short/pop quizzes and logistical issues are encountered, 比如那些与时机有关的, 可访问性资源可以帮助在测试之前确定解决方案.

  • 批准的延长时间(e.g., time and one-half or double time) does not automatically apply to exams that are administered overnight or over multiple days, as students typically do not spend all of the allotted time working on an exam. 然而, if a student indicates a disability-related need for 长时间 for this type of exam, 学生, 教员, and 可访问性资源 should col实验室orate to determine if 长时间 is reasonable and, 如果是这样的话, 需要提供多少额外的时间.

  • 延长的住宿时间不会自动适用于小组考试. Group exams typically provide peer-to-peer teaching and learning opportunities, therefore some exam accommodations may not be avai实验室le because they are not applicable to the rest of the group (e.g.,延长时间). 大多数学生选择和小组一起参加考试, 然而, students may work with the professor and 可访问性资源 to explore accommodation options if requesting to take an exam individually rather than in a group setting. 
延长学习时间的学生可能需要在考试期间休息. 短暂的休息通常被纳入延长的时间段. 然而, if a student requests a longer time period for an exam due to the need for more or longer breaks, 无障碍资源可以帮助确定住宿选择.
  • Some students approved for 减少分心的考试设置 may determine that the classroom is the better place to take an exam. 因此, an alternative space is required only when requested by 学生.

  • 如果学生要求减少分心的考试设置, 学生 and 教员 should determine an appropriate space prior to the day of the exam.

  • Multiple students using exam accommodations may be taking exams in the same space.

  • Please contact 可访问性资源 if assistance is needed in determining an appropriate exam setting.

  • 教师 should determine if a student approved for the use of a computer with word processing will use 学生's own computer or one provided by the academic department.

  • 如果一个学生是班上唯一一个在考试时使用电脑的人, it may be helpful for 学生 to take the exam in another space so other students are not distracted by the sound of keyboarding.

考试中对拼写的宽容是根据具体情况来处理的, 因为这种住宿是基于课程要求的. 因此, this accommodation is not listed on faculty notification letters for students who experience difficulty with spelling that results from disability. Instead, we ask students to speak with professors about their grading policies for spelling on exams. 如果拼写错误被扣分, we ask that students and faculty consult with 可访问性资源 so we can work together to determine if it is reasonable to put an accommodation in place for spelling.
Due to constraints of the Block Plan and the philosophy that students with disabilities are best served when accommodated in the most integrated setting possible, 教师通常在他们自己的院系内提供考试住宿. 然而, on the very rare occasion when it is not possible to provide appropriate accommodations within the academic department (e.g., 学生 needs to use assistive technology that is avai实验室le only via 可访问性资源), the 教员 should request that 可访问性资源 assist in the administration of the test.

显示所有 / 隐藏所有

The following procedures should be followed to set up an exam administration with 可访问性资源:

  • 至少在考试前一周, the 教员 should contact 可访问性资源 to request assistance in administering the exam. The 教员 must provide information regarding the delivery and return of the exam and instructions for exam administration.

  • 如果学生没有按时参加考试, 考卷将退还给该教员. It is 学生's responsibility to contact the 教员 to seek permission to reschedule the exam.

  • 为了符合学院荣誉制度的精神, 可访问性资源 provides space and accommodations for the exam but does not serve as a proctor.

For additional information on exam accommodations, please contact 可访问性资源.
报告问题 - 最后更新: 01/31/2024